A Real Happy Accident

How many years do I have Happy Accidents on DVD? Seven or eight?
A day ago I found out by a Happy Accident - yep, I pushed the wrong button - that this DVD has a special feature
i.e. director's commentary. Fine.
But it's also Vincent who is narrating the movie.
And the way he talks there is much sweeter as well as hotter than Sam Deed ever could have.
For example
Brad Anderson asked him: "Was this the first time that anyone licked your finger?"
Vincent asked back: "Huh, on film???"

It just KILLS me when he says such things.

BTW, the main attraction is UNDER the table, dear Ruby.


  1. Yes, the main attraction may be under the table ... but I'd certainly be willing AND able to START with that gorgeous finger. You know ... kind of like an appetizer ... before the MAIN COURSE!

  2. That's definitely a dessert from "down under"! I don't know the name of the dessert, but I bet "down under," the Australians have some kind of dessert that involves a banana and some nuts and cream to top it all off!

    We Vixens definitely have a sweet tooth!

  3. *laughts like crazy tying to breath..evil gigle..evil grin..*I would just rip his clothes offand..and..pour somethind sweet all over him and lick him like a lolipop..ups..did I just said that aloud..upsss!!;)))-

  4. snark, don't you mean the "MAN" course?!LOL

  5. Good news for you all, I'm sugar allgergic, so the sweet delicacy from down under is just for you. Have to take the salt stick instead.

  6. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I find the problem with the commentary is that Brad Anderson just won't shut up, so, in the end, Vincent just kind of gives up and goes quiet. However, it was a 'Happy Accident' indeed that you found it :0)

  7. You are right, Diane, Anderson loves the sound of his own voice.

  8. Brad DID go on and on, but when he asks Vincent the finger licking question, I was in hysterics from V's genuine misunderstanding of the question; as if "What are you crazy???"

  9. Diane said it first...Anderson talked way too much, whereas Vincent hardly got a word in :-(

    Still the commentaries on TWWW and STM make up for it..and I would love if they re-released VOG with a commentary..maybe one day

  10. I thought I only had Happy Accidents on video, so when I saw a copy for sale, I bought it. And then found I had it on dvd already. One of them must have this extra.

    If not, I'll just settle for the finger.

  11. now that's what I call finger food

  12. I wish that Vincent would do a solo commentary (who cares about the director?) AND speak directly to his Vixens...

  13. Dessert my favorite course. As Snark so aptly put it; his long, lean finger is a wonderful place to start. And there are so many delicious courses to enjoy between the appetizer and dessert.

  14. The scene where he undoes her shoes in the dinner! UHHHHHHH! I have seen the picture before but never know what movie it came from..such an erotic moment! I have no more words...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  15. drl59
    At the risk of destroying one of your dreams ... the "leg/hand scene" under the table was performed by 2 stunt actors, NOT by Vincent/Marisa.

  16. Oh, I knew the fingers weren't his...I know those hands! The fingers were a little too short, but a girl can imagine...
