My boy cat Samson was missing since 6 days.
I got him from the local shelter (5yrs ago), where a breeder took him. He said, that cat is not good for breeding because he does not meet the breed standard due to a "misplaced" spot at his fur. Samson was so small and cute ... I MUST adopt him. After his first month at his new home he saved my life. Literally. It was late at night and I was going to bed when I heard him crying loud as hell outside of the house. I opened the front door to look after him. One of the sheds were in flames. The fire was very near to my house already.
As I said, he was missing since days. The night ago I couldn't sleep because I was in worry. Is he okay? Just hanging out with buddies? But he must be hungry, no? So I left bed at 4.00am, I smoked a cigaret, opened the window and heard a noise out there in the garden. It was him. He looked awful.
I took him to the vet hospital, where he still is. The vet said, it really looks like he got in a trap. They are going to amputate Samson's hind leg today. I just hope he survives that surgery ... I owe my life to him!
Just sitting here and imagine the pain he must have had during the last week. And hell knows how long he was in that trap!
I live not landside - so who the fuck needs a trap in the city??!?
I got him from the local shelter (5yrs ago), where a breeder took him. He said, that cat is not good for breeding because he does not meet the breed standard due to a "misplaced" spot at his fur. Samson was so small and cute ... I MUST adopt him. After his first month at his new home he saved my life. Literally. It was late at night and I was going to bed when I heard him crying loud as hell outside of the house. I opened the front door to look after him. One of the sheds were in flames. The fire was very near to my house already.
As I said, he was missing since days. The night ago I couldn't sleep because I was in worry. Is he okay? Just hanging out with buddies? But he must be hungry, no? So I left bed at 4.00am, I smoked a cigaret, opened the window and heard a noise out there in the garden. It was him. He looked awful.
I took him to the vet hospital, where he still is. The vet said, it really looks like he got in a trap. They are going to amputate Samson's hind leg today. I just hope he survives that surgery ... I owe my life to him!
Just sitting here and imagine the pain he must have had during the last week. And hell knows how long he was in that trap!
OMG - thank goodness you found him. It's so funny my girlfriend's cat (also a male) disappeared for three days & when he finally came home his hind leg was messed up and they had to amputate it. The good news is he still alive five years after the incident. Hope Samson will be okay.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry about your Samson, I hope he will be okay it sounds like someone near you isn't all that careful about what they put down and I suspect there are loads of animals around as well. I know what it is like to lose a cat though.
ReplyDeleteI know with you as Samsons mom, he's going to come through the surgery and all that follows just fine.
ReplyDeleteBig Hugs to both of you..
And one more thing....God Damn the person who set the trap.
ReplyDeleteOh no, I hope Samson will be okay after the surgery. Please feel both hugged from me.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're so right, who the fuck needs a trap in the city? Unbelievable!
ReplyDeletei'm just angry and upset and sad at once. most of all angry. yes, damn them!
Oh Jazzy love...
ReplyDeleteAt least he made it back to you in time for you to act. Not much consolation I know, but it gives him a fighting chance, and thats what he needs along with the care and love he already gets from you.
Good luck and love to both of you
I'm so sorry to hear about Samson (I also have one named Samson). I'm sure he will be okay. It may take some adjusting for him, but when I was little my grandmother had a cat with only three legs and he got around just fine.
ReplyDeletesending good vibes to both of you
Oh honey, Samson will be OK. He's a strong kitty to find his way back to you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about Samson. I'm sure he will be okay, with you in his corner fighting for him, I'm know he'll come through with flying colors.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how strong animals are. When I was little my grandmother had a cat that was poisoned three different times (by the same S.O.B.) and he pulled through everytime.
Please let us know how he comes through the surgery..
Hope your cat is gonna be fine!! i know my kitty is like my daughter (i know it seems stupid!!) and the first i let her to the vet for a surgery i've spend all the day worrying!!! And ok it's weird to have trapes in city but it's nothing like my neigbours who hunt cat with sinkers shot gun son of a bi***!!!!
ReplyDeleteReally hope that Samson is gonna be allright!!!
SOme evil fucker who does not like cats/foxes/wildlife in general AND WHO NEEDS TO BE STUCK IN ONE HIMSELF.
ReplyDeleteThis makes me sad and very mad. I have had cats go missing, and know how devastating it is. I went through the local streets with sheets to put through letterboxes, and I always got them back uninjured. The feeling of dread before they were found was awful - should I hope they have been killed outright so they are not suffering? Is it selfish to wish them still alive and in pain or distress - cold, hungry , thirsty?
But you have him back. He will learn to cope without his leg, and you will love him even more, so he will be completely spoilt and adored.
I hope you can find out who set the trap and have him arrested.
Jazzy, my heart truly goes out to you and your adorable kitty. The thought of a helpless animal in pain and suffering is just too much. But I am so glad you have him back. Even with his amputated leg, he will adjust, and he sounds like he is every bit the survivor - just like his mom! LOL. I know you will spoil him relentlessly, as Val said, and give him lots of love and attention. I am just so sorry that you both had to go through this and I hope the bastard who set that trap burns in hell!! Take care, my dear! And please keep us all posted on Samson's progress!!! Sending you BOTH *big hugs*!
ReplyDeleteReading your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so sorry about your Samson I wish him a swift recovery. Poor boy.
ReplyDeleteAaaw my boy's back! Three legged, but he's doing AMAZING well, which is a wonder. He even jumped (!!!) to the sofa where he spent the night lying close to me. Hugged and getting yummy goodies (and penicillin). That boy is one SURVIVOR! Fräulein Lilly, my girlie cat, is happy about his homecoming too.
ReplyDeleteI told him about all of your comments and he says THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!
Wonderful to hear, that Samson jumps also with three legs. He will manage the new situation very well.
ReplyDeleteNow he needs more snuggle time on the medicin ever.
My dear Jazzy, I am soooooooo relieved! So nice to hear that your happy little family is reunited and that Samson is doing so well! I do believe it's true ... cats do have 9 lives! And aren't we the lucky ones? Best news I've heard in ages!!! XOXOXO
ReplyDeleteJust saw this post and am glad to hear he is doing better! I had a cat who lost a tail because of some uncaring sob that tried to kill him by slamming his garage door on him.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is wrong with people!
xoxox Samson and hope you're all better soon. I know your mommy will take good care of you!
they DO have nine lives! thank goddess.
ReplyDeletewitness, i don't know what's wrong with them; honestly, i never waste time to find it out. we can just hope that one fine day those idiots will receive what they deserve.