Room 1109-A

The Major Case Squad is a division within the New York City Police Department.
The squad is located at One Police Plaza in Manhattan, New York City.

And the hottest room there is ......

Guessing it's like upper 111F there, if not more, and if I would be in that room with "him" my
body-temp would be reading 104 ... passive!

Not that ANY one would stay passive there.

Certainly there are more cosy places for an 'interrogation',
and you might even say "Room porn? Are you kidding??? I just want to meet him, no matter WHERE!"

And still...


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Ah, the interrogation room desk, scene of so MANY fantasies....

  2. You're a horrible person, Jazzy...I really shouldn't be thinking about the interrogation room table (and it's handcuff rings) at this time of the morning..but I will :-D

  3. A table, a light switch, cuffs and my ab fab fav "Teddy Bear"....I'm set!! ;)

    Jazzy, you're a naughty girl, I like that!

  4. And don't forget the one-way mirror - all the vixens waiting in line will be watching! ;)

  5. You don't want to let that temp get much above 104F or you'd start getting bran damage--and if you are locked in interrogation with Bobby, you would want to have a clear head so you could remember and enjoy every second.

  6. I love that scene

    it is totally gratuitous and bears absolutely no relevance to the rest of the epi

    I think they realised the v-vixens deserved a special treat


  7. I think Ann is right! And who needs a table, anyway? I'd settle for the floor!

  8. I remain SOOOOO jealous of that woman.

  9. Oh...To be 'slammed' by Bobby ;)

  10. No doubt at all, Eliza, those rings give an additional kick.

  11. OY man,I had some..cough,cough..naughty fantasies about that room..and that cool metal table..YEAAAAAAA*evil smile..gigles.blushes..evil gigle..*!!;)))
    I still haven't tryed all naughty things in my mind with Bobby in that room..HEY..I do have a very dirty mind,especial since I notice Bobby*drools..BIG evil grin!!;)))

  12. A new hotspot to visit next year on my trip to NYC...

  13. okay, guiding light, so you are planning to go to nyc to bring bobby here? oh please say yes!!!

  14. Oh come on Jazzy,this was going to be kept secret!But yes,I will bring him over here,but who says I'm going to share?? *wink*

  15. Waaay to go, guiding light! Touché! ;)
