A Question Of Good Taste

I getting asked: "What the heck is going on on the German Vincent D'onofrio Forum??"

Yes, I know what's going on there. And I just want to say that I have NOTHING to do with that.
In my opinion, they give Germany a very bad reputation.

Please know that drooling over Vincent is not a question of gender BUT of good taste!



  1. Do you mean that they have a problem with men lusting over Vincent as well as women?

    Oh, please. These people's opinions belong in the Dark Ages. Why not come and join us here in the 21st Century.

  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    KORREKT,Jazzy.................. Du sprichst mir aus der Seele, sehr gute Idee hast Du da gehabt. PERFECT

  3. Okay, I actually clicked on that link AS IF I COULD UNDERSTAND WTF IS BEING SAID

  4. (cont.) Sometimes I'm dim, I know.

  5. I don't think speaking German helps, Goddessdster.

  6. They have a problem, indeed. And everyone who complains has been kicked off. So Caro, me, Sam and some more.

    Thank you Caro for publishing this post on your VDO-blog, too!

    goddester, they don't say things like: "man/man kissing is the same like baby killing" on their entry page!

  7. I think men are allowed to admire Vincent if they want to.

  8. So perhaps I'm very very pleased I can't understand what they're saying!

  9. thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm glad to meet another Vincent lover!! He's so great.

  10. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I have NO idea what's going on over there, which is probably no bad thing *sharpens V-Defending meat cleaver*

  11. Like Goddessdster I went on the website and of course did not understand a word. My German grandparents are rolling over in their graves with disappointment at their granddaughter’s inability to understand their native language. Nonetheless, Jazzy’s comment that everyone who complains gets KICKED OFF is horrifying, how ridiculous. That’s a mature attitude. Sorry to hear you were treated so discourteously. Open mindedness is always the best policy.

  12. artist, neither carola nor i were angry because we were treated discourteously. btw in which state have your family lived?
    lol, diane! i can hear you sharpening.

  13. As a MAN who wants to bear Vincent's children ... and can't ... of course ... LOL ... all I can say is I don't understand any gay man who doesn't find Vincent to be the most irresistable STUD on planet Earth!

  14. snark, i would borrow you the 'equipment', lol. but better believe me, to bear is not always fun.

    artist, hessen is very near to where i live. there is the international airport of frankfurt, so i can pick up vincent when he comes! (i wish!!)

  15. Jazzy, Frankfurt is 43.0 km North West of Hembach. Once he lands you could always take him to some local castles and check out their accommodations – bedrooms, dungeons, great hall with fireplace, etc. Lol. Lovely thought.

  16. Hey jazzy,

    I'm out of the loop......what are you guys referring to??? It'd help if I could read/speak German, alas I don't. I'm nosy. What's going on???(If you don't mind telling me, I don't mean to horn in if I'm not wanted. No offense given or taken if I've over stepped my bounds)

  17. fuzzy, it's about a forum that kicks off men drooling over our vince. since it is a german forum people think that i have someting to do with that shit. but i haven't; caro doesn't either.
    then we went "off topic" on here, but it's fine :) so feel free to say what ever you want -- no, of course i don't mind!

  18. I'm curious as to how many VDO-defending weapons Diane has in her arsenal! The VDO bashers had better never get within her reach!

    This is why I only go to the Reel and several VDO blogs (including this fabulous site). I simply want to worship this beautiful man with my fellow Vixens. The forums have too many negative people who like to criticize or start ugly rumors.

  19. Thanks jazzy, sounds like some people are still in the 18th century or something. I don't care who likes our VDO.......as long as everyone's respectful. Gay, straight, bi......I don't give a crap! The man is a work of art in more ways than one!

  20. right, jersey! they better don't mess with Diane; her arsenal is immense!
    thanks a lot for liking this blog btw :)

    a work of art - indeed! well said, fuzzytweetie.

  21. Well for once I'm kinda glad not to speak that language, I think I'd get indignant and get kicked off too. The question should be who isn't attracted to him? I mean if you are human and have vision isn't it a given?!

  22. Anonymous9:06 PM

    As many as may be required Jersey, of varying sharpeness - even though I repeatedly tell myself he does NOT need my 'help' ;0)

  23. Really man drool over Vincent,too..ge I didn't know that!!*sarcastic voice*
    Of course gay man would lust over him!!They love that fizicaly he is one tall,starping strong man,which very gifted-I mean his "anaconda"!!Why gender wouldn't!!??C'mon..he ideal model for women and men,too!!
    Those people are mean and simple minded,living in denile!!

  24. UMMM, (TO GODDESSDSTIR) I speak and understand german but somethin gets "lost" in translatin' Amerikaners view it diffrently when writin' it!! IMHO that is!! oh Jazzy and all of you, my answer shows 10/18 CEST Munich time in Deutschland...*GRINS*
