I'm back! Sorry to be gone for a while but my mother found not one lump but two in her left breast. It was very scary here for a while! Good news is one was benign and the other was a lymph node that slipped down?! WTF?! I didn't even know that was possible but yeah it is and for the record can happen so there but I digress! (By now you all know I tend to do that so no big surprise!)
While spending more than my fair share in hospital waiting rooms and doctor office waiting rooms no one looked as hot in scrubs as this guy by the way... anyway I read a LOT of crappy magazine articles! Lots and lots of really bad articles on everything from how to keep my lips moist during the winter to how to make sure I don't burn the holiday turkey. I got tired of them and started reading some with short stories in them. Some good most made me think that my quest to publish is unjust cause I can write much better than these idiots!

Yes our boy is reminding me to get to the heart of it so I will.
One of the stories was about these two friends who had just been through bad relationships and decided to shake up their lives. Ones friend's cousin or something knew the temps that worked at the studio where they filmed their favorite soup opera and the two decided to get in as temps and meet their favorite heartthrob. (Now you all are probably getting where my mind was going...) They beat the temps to the job and they get into the set in a ridiculous way... (I am NO going to tell you the story name or the idiot author cause I am not giving her that much credit, needless to say if you see a story by anyone with her first two initials being the 13th letter of the alphabet and a last name that rhymes with Barker be forewarned.... that's all I am saying!) Anyway one ends up getting him a water and loses it gushing about being a fan and how she snuck in and asking him a bunch of questions and gets thrown out while the other stays on quietly basking in his glory until she's busted too....

Now our boy is wondering what the point of this post is well I'm at that...
If you could get in to where he was filming by some insane reason what would you do?

Would you wait for the chance to get close to him and then unleash the beast before you lose the opportunity or would you be able to bide your time and watch, never saying a word just to be near him.

Really think for a minute, this is the guy we are talking about. Do you have the kind of willpower not to say anything in his presence. I thought at first that I would have the willpower to resist the urge to drool over him. Now I actually believe that I would crack like a cheap plastic seat cover! Let me know what your thoughts are, I always look forward to your takes on everything.
Trust me, as someone who has been 'blessed' by being in his presence this year, you'll be doing great if you can remember how to stand up and not dribble. Forming words is tough when you're brain goes 'Gaaaaaa, it's VINCENT!!!'
ReplyDeleteIn answer to your question, I'd probably do what I did (to begin with anyway) - just stand there and look at him: and hope that my tongue didn't roll out on the floor ;0)
Diane, you expressed it perfectly! SO true!!! Since I have also been blessed by meeting him, I would hope that I could stand back and simply smile and maybe wave if he looked my way. I would definitely try not to break his concentration. But when it was break time, I wouldn't promise anything!
ReplyDeleteWell, since I had the good fortune to meet Vincent (when Diane and Ruby did), I can tell you that I just looked at him, mumbled something to him about how talented he is, and was just happy to be able to touch him! If I ever get another chance to meet him, I believe my gift of speech would return and I could be a bit more relaxed. Now, in my fantasies I can do lovely things to him, but in real life, no, just gotta be nice or the body/security guards will haul you away ASAP. :(((
ReplyDeleteIf I could get in to where he was filming I would ask him for a guided private tour through the set. And I wouldn't mind if the tour started in the (un)dressing room.
ReplyDeleteBTW pic #2 in up on my fave list. Whenever I look at it I want to dive thru the computer and kidnap him.
ReplyDeleteNow, Diane, Maui, just remember the incident in the taxi when you spotted him and Toni and all tied to get out through the window at once, shouting "Vincent!"
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what I would do if I et him. I like to think I would immediately jump his dolls, but somehow I doubt it!
I would definitely just stand back and watch! And drool (remember to bring handkerchief) ... and watch ... and drool ... and watch ... and drool ... well, you get the idea.
ReplyDeleteAnd oh yes, I agree with Jazzy. Pic #2 is AMAZING!!!
ReplyDeleteVal - YES! We did yell VINCENNNNNNT!! at the top of our lungs, out the window of a moving taxi, to V accross the street. But, when we were with him (be still my heart)we were perfect ladies. Brain dead ladies, but ladies none the less.
ReplyDeleteWell I have to admit to EXTREME jealousy, but glad for you at the same time (gotta admit still REALLY jealous though)! I am not sure that drool wouldn't be involved for me. But I would hope I would have a semblance of dignity, just a semblance mind you but some dignity. If his clothes came off then well all bets are definitely OFF!
ReplyDeleteWhat Maui said! When we saw him on the street, it was TOTALLY unexpected, being in the same room as him is a whole different ballgame altogether :0)
ReplyDeleteI would wait till he had a minute, catch his eye and then introduce myself with a big smile and self confident voice.
ReplyDeleteWell I too have had the pleasure of meeting him.The first moment was awkward and I couldn't say anything at all.When I saw him trying to assess if I was harmless or not it broke the ice.I apologized and stuttered that I was not a stalker lol. Then he just smiled and I was able to tell him I was a huge fan of his acting, and Bobby Goren. He was amazed that I travelled all the way from Germany to get to meet him and then he gave me a big bear hug , which to this day I won't ever forget.He is a extremely nice and polite man and the best actor in the world :)